When damage occurs

  • The customer is to contact both the vendor that supplied the asset and Tukirahoitus via email at tukirahoitus.talous@nordea.com.
  • The customer and the vendor agree upon repairing the asset.
  • If the asset is beyond repair, it may be replaced. 
  • The customer reports the asset damage with a digital insurance claim to which any appendices are attached.
  • The vendor delivers the invoice on the repair or new acquisition to Tukirahoitus Oy.
  • After receiving the insurer’s decision, Tukirahoitus Oy invoices the customer for the deductible and pays the invoice to the vendor.
  • A copy of the report of an offence to the police or of the police investigation report, if any, must be attached to the insurance claim, and in the case of fire, also the accident report from the fire and rescue department.